Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thanks To Twitter,Iranians Have A Way To Communicate!

Twitter is an American invention that is playing a crucial role in Iran.Although the Iranian government tried their darnedest to block all forms of communication,they underestimated the power of the tweet.Who knew that Twitter would play such a central role in a fight for democracy?

Oppressive regimes better watch out!

Here's more from Forbes:

"As Twitter's popularity has grown, its users living under oppressive foreign regimes have slowly realized the power of the simple microblogging service for organizing political dissent. On Monday, for the first time, Twitter's administrators seem to have acknowledged that power, too.

Had it not been for a network upgrade that required Twitter to schedule 90 minutes of downtime at 9:45 PDT, Twitter might have continued to play the role of an impartial platform, with no apparent distinction between the plight of Iranian activists and the network capacity needs of oversharing American celebrities.

But when the site's 90-minute maintenance window was announced Monday afternoon--in the midst of the service's use in organizing thousands of Iranian dissidents protesting alleged fraud in the national election--the result was a flood of thousands of requests to the site asking that Twitter delay the maintenance downtime.

"Democracy needs you, Twitter!" wrote a user named temp09. "Twitter, do not condemn the people of Iran to silence," another, named tinyi, added. "Upgrades can wait. The people dying in Iran cannot," pleaded a Twitterer by the name of hoopiest_frood.

At 4:17 Pacific time, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone wrote in a blog post on the site that Twitter had worked out a deal with its network provider, NTT America, to delay the maintenance. "Our network partners at NTT America recognize the role Twitter is currently playing as an important communication tool in Iran," Stone wrote."(End of Excerpt) Read the rest here:

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